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The OK Financial Group men’s professional volleyball team had the first laugh in the best-of-three (PO-3) postseason playoffs, beating Woori Card. Now, they’ll look to advance to the championship game at home.

Regular-season third-place OK Financial Group defeated league runner-up Woori Card 3-2 (25-20 25-19 22-25 21-25 15-11) in the first round of the 2023-2024 V-League postseason away PO at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea, after a two-hour and 15 minute match.

OK Financial Group, which held a 4-2 series advantage over Woori Card in the regular season, was led by the duo of Leonardo Leyva Martinez (34-Cuba-29) and left-side hitter Shin Jung-jin (23-24), who combined for 53 points on the night. Song Hee-chae (32), 메이저 토토사이트 who played for Woori Card until last season, also contributed 13 points.

After losing the first set 1-2 at home, Woori Card fought back to take the second and third sets, but OK Financial Group scored three straight points at 7-7 in the final set to effectively win the match.

OK Financial Group, which defeated No. 4 Hyundai Capital 3-2 (22-25 25-22 25-21 22-25 15-13) in the single-elimination semifinals on Nov. 21, showed no signs of fatigue today as it won a full-set thriller.

In the 18 previous Men’s POs, the winner of the first game has advanced to the championship match 16 times (88.9%).

OK Financial Group, which is enjoying ‘spring volleyball’ for the first time in three years after the 2020-2021 season, will play the second round of the POs on May 25 at its home venue, Ansan Sangroksu Gymnasium. If they win, they will play Korean Air, the regular season’s No. 1 team, for the championship crown.

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