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Cristiano Ronaldo (39 years old, born in 1985) continues his record.
But even Ronaldo has to take off his soccer shoes someday.

Portugal won 3-0 against Ireland in the June A-match friendly match held at the Estadio Municipal de Aveiro in Aveiro, Portugal at 3:45 a.m. on June 12, 2024.

Portugal scored the first goal.
In the 18th minute of the first half, Portugal took a short corner kick.

Joao Felix attempted a powerful left-footed shot inside the penalty box.
Felix’s shot hit the net.

The first half ended with Portugal leading 1-0.
Portugal scored an additional goal.

In the 5th minute of the second half, Ronaldo beat a defender inside the penalty box and scored with a left-footed shot.
Ronaldo scored multiple goals.

In the 15th minute of the second half, Ronaldo received a pass from Diogo Jota and finished comfortably, scoring a goal.
In the end, the game ended with Portugal winning 3-0.

Ronaldo, who appeared as a starter that day, took responsibility for Portugal’s attack.
He harassed the Irish defense through active movement from the front.

Ronaldo did a good job protecting the ball that came his way.
Ireland had a hard time stopping Ronaldo.

According to soccer statistics media ‘Sofa Score’, while playing full-time, Ronaldo scored 2 goals, 3 effective shots, 1 deviant shot, 1 blocked shot, 1 dribble (1 attempt), 1 hit on goal, and 1 hit on the ball. He recorded 41 touches, a passing success rate of 84% (26 out of 31 successful), 2 key passes, 1 cross (2 attempts), and 1 ground duel (2 attempts).
The highest rating was 9.2 points.

After the game, Ronaldo said, “I don’t have much time left to play football.
That’s why you should enjoy soccer. i love soccer

Every game is special. I feel proud imagining playing in the Euros with Portugal.
“It feels like a dream, just like when I was 20,” he said.

Meanwhile, in this game, Ronaldo broke his A-match record again by scoring two goals.
Ronaldo had scored 128 goals in his international matches before this match.

Of course, it is the record for the most points in an A match.
Ronaldo continued his incredible record with 130 goals.

by 토토사이트

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